•  If I were a drink, I would be a limonade because there nothing like a fresh limonade on a summer's evening.

    If I were an art, I would be cinema because it's an emotional art and I love to see a lot of different films.

    If I were a feeling, I wouldn't be fear because I would like everybody to be happy.

    If I could be a season, I'd have to be summer because it's hot and there's nothing like a nice tan and surfing on the beach with my friend.

    If I were a residence , I would be an environment friendly villa near the beach because it's so beautiful and I love nature.

    If I could be a sense, I'd have to be sight because with the sight I can read and see a lot of things and I can dream. It's magical.

    If I were a natural element, I would be water or fire I can't really choose behind both.

    If I were a precious stone, I would be a ruby because I love red and rubies are very precious.

    If I could be a celebrity, I would be Natalie Portman because she is a very beautiful and talented actress and she's very low key.

    If I were a number, I wouldn't be 13 I'm not superstitious but this number never gave me luck.

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  • If I were an animal, I could be a bird to fly in the sky and travel all around the world.

    If I were a film, I could be the “Lord of the Rings” because I love the story in a fantasy world with beautiful creatures.

    If I were a drink, I could be a fresh soda during the hot season.

    If I were an art, I could be music because when I play the cello or the piano I feel so relaxed and imaginative, I’m in my world.

    If I were a type of food, I could be Moroccan food because I love the couscous of my grandmother. She makes the best couscous I have ever eaten and I love sharing a big plate of couscous with my family.

    If I were a feeling, I could be happiness because I’m always happy and in a good mood. I think it’s very important to be a positive person.

    If I were a season, I could be autumn because the tree colours are extremely beautiful.

    If I were a sense, I’d be sight because I can see beautiful things in the world. I can see the sky, the sun, the sea, the earth, and all the beauties of our planet.

    If I were a natural disaster I’d be a tornado because it’s fast and very dangerous. It’s a tower of air which comes and takes everything.

    If I were a natural element, I’d be water because I love swimming the sea like a fish or a dolphin. The aquatic world is extremely beautiful with multicoloured fish... I feel free when I’m in water I have this flying sensation it’s incredible.

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