Hello, my name is Adam . I am 13 years old. I was born on the twenty-four of April two thousand of two. I live in Creuzier-le Vieux. I have black hair, brown eyes and I am tall. I am very self-confident, rather interesting and rather good-tempered.
I have 1 brother, his name is Antoine, he is 33 years old and I have 3 sisters, Myriam, Sarah and Claire, they are 19,28 and 35 years old.
I am in 4e EURO, I like history and geography but I don't like art and I don't really like mathematics.
I pratice handball. I like listening to music. I like watching movies and playing video games but I don't really like playing football. Nothing in particular really scares me.
I have already been to Morocco, Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands.
I would like to be a scientist.
I would like to bring justice in the world.
I am also seriousness and sometimes funny, sommetimes.