• The Bydales School postersThe 4e Euro are really proud to show you the posters they have made with the answers they got from the Year 8 of Bydales School to their questions. They are really looking forward to receiving their questions on Collège Jules Ferry in French and to continuing working on common projects. You will be able to see and read these posters in our LRC until the end of the month thanks to Mrs Borel, our librarian. You can also double-click on the poster pictures to enlarge them!

    You will learn a lot about Bydales School and how different it is from Collège Jules Ferry.

    Les 4e Euro sont très fiers de vous présenter les posters qu'ils ont conçus avec les réponses des élèves de Year 8 de Bydales School à leurs questions. Ils sont impatients de recevoir leurs questions sur le Collège Jules Ferry en français et de continuer à travailler sur des projets communs. Vous pourrez voir et lire ces posters pendant tout le mois de Juin au CDI grâce à notre documentaliste Mme Borel. Vous pouvez aussi double cliquer sur les photos des posters pour les agrandir!

    Vous apprendrez beaucoup de choses sur Bydales School et sur les différences avec le collège Jules Ferry.

    Group N°1 and their poster

    The Bydales School posters

    The Bydales School posters

    Group N°2 and their poster

    The Bydales School posters












    The Bydales School posters

    Group N°3 and their poster

    The Bydales School posters













    The Bydales School posters

    Group N°4 and their poster

     The Bydales School posters












    The Bydales School posters

    Group N°5 and their poster

    The Bydales School posters













    The Bydales School posters

    Group N°6 and their poster

    The Bydales School posters













    The Bydales School posters

    Mrs Borel receiving the posters and kindly accepting to set up an exhibition (among many other ones!) in the LRC. Thank you Mrs Borel!


    The Bydales School posters


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